Cookie policy of this site in accordance with the directive of the italian "Garante" of the Privacy
The "Garante" of the Privacy has transposed an European directive which requires administrators of websites to show visitors a banner notifying them of what the cookie policy of the website you are browsing and subject its acceptance to the continued operation.
If you need more information or if you have questions about the privacy policy of this web site, please email us at:
This page describes the ways in which the personal information is received and collected and how it is used by
Shinystat: the technology developed by Shiny srl for its monitoring and analysis system allows users to record the flow of visits to their website without using any tool that can be used to personally identify the individual.
The methodology used for collecting data is, in fact, only able to provide information regarding the visits and the paths taken by visitors through the website and cannot be used to trace the identity of the VISITOR as data is collected in an aggregated way and in real time using cookies (*) and stored on Shiny srl servers. Data collection and processing is carried out absolutely anonymously and is aimed at providing ShinyStat's USERS with quantitative information on visits made to their websites. (*)Cookie: original numerical code randomly assigned to the VISITOR's browser during each visit to a website. The same VISITOR, in compliance with the law, can disable this function, preventing the above-mentioned operation from taking place
Further information are available clicking on
Cookie: the website uses only technical cookies.
The technical cookies are those that are used to deliver the service in a better way and do not need a prior users agreement of their usage.
For further detailed information explaining how the cookies can be disabled for a specific browser, please refer to the following links: